Aigerim Tazhi reads the poem
"In the passageway of a stone labyrinth..."
("В переходах каменных домов...")
"Probably a god..." (Наверное бог...). An excerpt from poetry readings at the 52-nd Poetry International Festival Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2022
German-language program about Aigerim Tazhi as a part of a German-Swiss poetry project
"...and somewhere everyday life turned into a miracle" ("…и где-то будни превратились в чудо")
Poems and video: Aigerim Tazhi
"In the house a window..." ("В доме окно...")
Music by Ilya Odegov. Poems by Aigerim Tazhi
Choral Performance (flashmob) at Go Viral Festival (Almaty)
Diptych "Sleepless in Tibet" ("Неспящий в Тибете...")
Composer: Ilya Odegov. Poems: Aigerim Tazhi
Performed by the choir of Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory (Almaty)
"Parachute" ("Парашют")
Composer: Ilya Odegov. Poems: Aigerim Tazhi
Performed by the Children's Choir of The Summer Choirmasters' School (Saint-Petersburg)
"Don't take one last breath..." ("На ладан не дыши...")
Composer: Ilya Odegov. Poems: Aigerim Tazhi
Performed by the Youth Choir of The Summer Choirmasters' School (Saint-Petersburg)