
Each year, the Writing University conducts interviews with writers while they are in Iowa City participating in the International Writing Program's fall residency. We sit down with authors to ask about their work, their process and their descriptions of home. Today we are talking with Aigerim Tazhi Айгерим Тажи, a poet from Kazakhstan.
ReadAigerim Tazhi is a Kazakh poet whose writings will impress you and move you, a new and exciting voice...
ReadFor a debut poetry collection, Aigerim Tazhi’s Paper-Thin Skin is a work of stunning originality. Part of what makes this work so compelling is the way that it grapples with the mystery involved in the creative process, namely the act of turning “everyday life into a miracle,” which requires a kind of searching and tuning-in to all frequencies until one finds a clear signal...
ReadAigerim Tazhi’s debut book of poetry, “БОГ-О-СЛОВ” (“THEO-LOG-IAN”), was published in 2004. She received numerous literary prizes in Kazakhstan and Russia for the poems in the collection. In the years since, her work has been featured in several prominent literary magazines, including Druzhba Narodov, Novaya Yunost, Apollinaris, Znamya and others. Her work has been translated into English, French, and Armenian; her work has begun to appear in numerous American literary journals...